Bombalurina\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Page

Age: From: ,

Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast, but...Macavity\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a ginger cat, hes called the hdden paw. For he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the master criminal who can define the law. His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly domed. His coat is dustly from neglect, his whiskers are uncomed. He sways his head from side to side with movments,like a snake!, and when you think he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s half asleep, he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s alwyas wide awake!!! Macavity, Macavity, there\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s noone like Macavity, for he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a fiend, in feline shape, the monster of deprovety, you may meet him in a bistreet, you may see him in the square, but when a crimes descovered then Macavitys not there! *Disappears*

Bombalurina\\\'s Links

Bombi\\\'s- info, pics, lyrics, ect.has Lyrics, info, pics, the broadway cast
Bomi\\\'s extrasmore stuff
The KissMistofeeless and Jemima

My Message to the World

Hey Thanx for visiting my site!...But dontbe a Rumpleeazer, and steal my work, it took awhileto mak this! Thanx! ~*~Bombalurina~*~

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