A Web Site For
St. Therese

Age: 11From: Jamestown, NC

This is my third web site and I'm dedicating it to favorite Saint, St. Therese.

My Novena
Rose Prayer
Oh little Therese
of the Child Jesus,
please pick for me a rose
from the heavenly garden and
and send it to me as a message of

O little Flower of Jesus, ask God
today to grant the favors
I now place with comfidence in
your hands....
(Mention specific request)

St. Therese, help me to always
belive as you did, in Gods great
love for me, so that I might imitate
your "Little Way" each day.


Web Sites

St. Therese website A site for St. Therese.
EWTN.comEternal World TV Network,
Shellymoon's Anime NetworkJust another Website of mine

My Message to the World

Please Sign in my guest book and tell me what you think of the site.
Pray for all the souls in pergatory.

Thank You For Visiting My Site!

this site last updated on 02/19/01

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Send me e-mail at shellymoon2@sailormoon.com

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