Welcome To... L33+ Pics by Leaf and Sylvie =^.~=
Age: 16 | From: aberdeen, MD |
Many sketches me and my friend does... just to play around We are about to start a web comic so many pics will be of our Manga...
Strictly Anime/Manga art!!!
Hope you enjoy the site ^.~ Neko Neko Miao Miao! 
My Fav Sites/comics ^.^Megatokyo | An adventure of Largo and Piro -133+ zombie killer and an anime freak- Drawn by Fred... (MY HERO!!!!) |
Fanboy!!! | Krystal and Dan in their own little crazy fantasy world... Great comic ^.^ |
Fredart | Many great art works by fred... (MY HERO...) I personally love them all... |
Okashina Okashi | A group of people... away from home... In search of a way back HOME!!! -Awsome Online Manga- |
MacHall- Sad But True | Something I think is just awsome ^.^ |
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NEKO NEKO MIAO MIAO!!!Sign My Guestbook
Send me e-mail at dawnfires@go.com This page created by Ambur Raber using the Todays Planet Kid Works Creator
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