This part of the site, is set out from the other sections I have up because it's dedicated to the loyal fans of S.A.N. & DBZ. Thank you all for all your wonderful comments and all of your feed-back. But I've gottten in the habit of having problems being able to contact these fans, since {most} of you forget to leave your e-mail addys. So from now on if you forget to leave your e-mail addy and want me to answer Questions for you or just to say hi to me, I'll reply ot right here! I know I have so much feed-back in my G-Book that I can't reply the feed-back you've already sent me... I am sorry for that. But if you would like to re-ask your question, or just say Hey-GirlFriend again, That's fine! I'll reply everyone's Message, don't you worry about that! And I really love each and every one of you peeps for being so sweet to me, and so I decied to make this new section! Just Sign in your Comments at the bottom of this page, okay? ^_^.
(Kyle McGoy asks) is it true that pan takes goten's place when Trunks and Bra go to find the Dragon Balls....?
(Reply) Well Kyle.... My guess would be that your refuring to DBGT, right? Well first of all Bra doesn't go with trunks in the search for the Dragon Balls, Goku does. Or shall I say "Chibi Goku", because the main reason that they're looking for the Dragon Balls is because that want to wish Goku back to his adult form. And "yes" Pan does take Goten's place, in other words Goten was origianlly suppose to go with Trunks & Goku (chibi goku), but while Goten talks on his cellphone with his Girl-Friend (Paris/Paresu) Pan sneaks on the ship, steals Trunks's controle pannle key, and starts the ship. And thus that's how Pan, Trunks and Chibi Goku began they're search for the Drak star Dragon Balls. ^_~
(Lizzie asks) shelly, I heard a rumor that gohan and videl kiss durring the saiya-man saga? is this true?
(reply) Lizzie, where ever you heard that from, you heard right! Videl and Gohan do indeed kiss in the saiya-man saga (which was origianaly suppose to be called the saiyan-man saga). Now I'm sure some of you out there are saying "Hey wait a minute! This girl doesn't know what she's talking about!" I'm sure that's what your saying right about now.... Because some of you have seen subtitled. Well listen to this, believe it or not there's a little thing called "Uncut Subtitled" out there. Even when you think your getting ALL the action, ALL the cussing, ALL the battle wounds. Your wrong, even with subtitled they some times edit things out, it's only with a few company, not al of them have that polacy of doing things like that. Now I'm sure your asking of how I know about this, and how can you tell that I'm not just pulling your leg. Well, first off your just going to have to take my word... or I could prove it to you, look at your subtitled video box-case, now look on the back, if you see a tiny round golden sticker on the bottom left hand corner of the box that reads...."First Version". That means you own an "Uncut Subtitled Video". And you know what I'm talking about if you have that episode of the uncut version. If you don't however see the tiny golden sticker There are things cut out of that video and waisted money on a more expensive video, when you could have bought it cheaper from another company that let's you see it all!
("not gonna say" asks)- Ok so there is this other site I've been to and they say that DBZ is actually running DBGT episodes (With Videl and that bit) and that cartoon network or whomever owns DBZ just hasn't changed the name in america. Shelly is this true?-
(reply) Well, first of all to answer your other question... Cartoon Network does not own "Dragon Ball Z" it's FUNimation that has rights over the show in America. Now, while Dragon Ball Z was one of the most popular animes all through out "Japan", after the creator of DBZ retired from continueing the cartoon any further, the companies that he was in contract to at the time went on (with his permission of corse) and created a whole entire new series featuring all the old gang. They named this series Dragon Ball Grand Tour". But because of it's lacking in fighting, and increase in more humorus plots the show was in trouble. The ratings went WAY down as they were losing alot of male viewers because it didn't contain the original features of the old classic series. Such as Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z. After they added a little more violence into the show's back round ratings began to increase, but by this time the were already near to ending the show. Now companies like FUNimation know these things about their show's backround/history and I'm sure that they would try to do something like that.. if they could... To explain, when the new series let out in Japan they hired new artists, new voice actors, ect. everything was different. And so as you watch from through out the entire DBZ sagas, none of that changes and so it would be very diffucult to convince the show's viewers (especially the ones who know about the show's backround in Japan) that it's all one series. But it's not. What the cartoon network is currently showing us on Toonami is still Dragon Ball Z -and will be until the Buu saga has ended, but we haven't even gotten into fusion yet. So they have a long way to go, and we have a long time to wait. So the answer to your question is simple, what you are currently the watching is with out a doubt in my mind DRAGON BALL Z!
(Jan asks)- Is Peraru, Pegasus?-
(reply) Wow, my first SailorMoon question! Thanks Jan~^^! Ok- Peraru? You are talking about the little boy from SailorMoon Super S 'Black Dream Hole', the 3rd english translated-or 'dubbed' movie in America. Now if I'm not mistaken Pegasus was only in the Super S television series than used to run on the afternoon block 'Toonami'. (Used to be the key words in that sentence-lol!) So I see why you are comparing the two, it is a very good question. But in the series Super S Pegasus- we find out is really the ruler of the dream world. His name is 'Helius' (pardon my spelling I haven't seen the show in soo long.). He is the one who visits Chibi-usa (or for all you dubbies 'Rini') in her dreams and shows up everytime she calls him. While Peraru is just a sweet little boy with wings that just happenes to like Rini too~!^^ The two are similar but two totally different people, while Peraru is a mere boy around Rini's age. Helius is propably WAY older than she is because he's been living in the dream-world his whole life, guarding and protecting people's dreams.- So the answer to question is this, Peraru and Pegasus/Helius or two different people!!^_~
("_" asks)- Pan in DBGT is suppose to be 14. Yet she looks 7 or 8. Why is that?-
(reply) Ok, this is actually the first question that I don't knwo the answer to.~ Weird isn't it? But I have managed to come up with many suggestions for ya _! #1 is that Japanese people could just be natrually short? Or at least the girls, dumb idea I know. #2 is that since we Americans don't live in Japan some one on some big website could have given away false info. and peoples like myself have been believing it to this day. Who knows maybe she is 7 or 8 years old, but hey!- If you ever happen to run into A.T. on da streets of Japan- ask him!!-LOL Or #3 could be that when she was a little baby aliens came and shrunk her while Gohan and Videl were sleeping in the middle of the night!! It could happen... Or #4 A.T. figures that Pan should look like a sweet, innocent lil girl but can't be all those years apart from her future hubby! Trunks who is freakin 28 years old!! I hope that helped~!!^^
Thanks for visiting S.A.N. peeps^_~, and thank you to all of you loyal Fans who take time to send my feed-back and all these wonderful comments! Your all so nice to me.. *sniff* *sniff* All of you who's sent me any nice remark at all thank you so much, you know who you are! ^_^, but.... *evil glare* To all of you who didn't...-lol!