Age: From: ,

Author: Mariam Penam
Title of chapter: New friends!
Goten and Trunks were walking around town, having nothing to do.
“Trunks… I think I’m dead…” Goten said, sitting on a bench.
“Why, no girls’ to for fill your day?” he joked.
“Ha, ha.” Goten laughed sarcastically. ”You are really a light head, do you know that?” he said with a silly smile on his face.
“That’s me!” he joked back.
“Hello mama!” Goten said, whistling when a girl walked by.
“Oh, Goten, you’re impossible!” Trunks sighed.
After about an half an hour of sitting in the sun, they rose and walked throe the city park.
“Trunks, what are you doing tonight?” Goten asked.
“You mean, after I’m getting home? Dad was suppose to train with me today.”
”But I saved your ass, right?”
Just when they turned around a corner, they bumped into two girls.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Trunks said, giving a helping hand to one of the girls.
“No problem.” She said, accepting his help.
“Sorry.” Goten said, reaching out his hand, to the other girl.
“I don’t need your help.” She replied harshly and got up.
“Angel, don’t be so sour.” The other girl whispered.
“Like if I’m gonna be nice.” She replied sarcastically.
“I apologize for my friend here.” She said, shooting daggers at the girl next to her. ”I am Raziela, and this,” she said, pointing to the girl next to her.” Is Angel.”
“I’m Goten.” He said.
“And I’m Trunks.”
”Charmed.” Raziela said, with a smile.
“Okey princess…” Angel said jokful. ”Time to go!”
And with these words, they walked away.
“I have a feeling we’re gonna meet them again.” Trunks said, pointing with his thumb at the direction they left.
“So do I pal, so do I.”

Chapter Six

My Message to the World

This webpage was created with the help of ShellyMoon aka Shelly Wenner (kawii_cutie@sailormoon.com)
thanks shelly,

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