I first began building websites with Itsmyroom.com right around when I first turned 11, actually if I remeber correctly it was on my 11th birthday when I first began my website builing. But from that very momment to where I am now, I never would have imagened that that one simple little website would one day turn into one of the best webpages on this web page builder community. And I never thought that I would one day open an e-mail and see my name "Shellymoon" mentioned and refurred to as one of the best. But after a year now of doing this I have come to love what I do, and even though my small webpages may only reach members of this internet community I still feel as though I have accomplished sooooo much just by building these simple webpages made up of paragraphs and funky looking banners and buttons. Not because I have my name mentioned in e-mails, have all my work posted in the stories sections on the main page, *even though i consitter all of those BIG perks ^^* It's reading feedback and knowing that people visit and enjoy them selves at my small, lil webby. It may be small but I try my hardest to make it seem appealing and fun to all of you who take the time to look around and expirment with my different pages. It's all because of Dragon Ball Z that made me want to do all of this in the first places so that would be the first person/"Anime" I'd like to thank. ^.^ I'd also like to thank Meredith Cantoni, if it weren't for her web site *Temple O Trunks* -* My most favorite webby in da world*! Then I probably would have never been inspired to create my own webby.* hi Meri*~! I'd also like to thank all my family and friends~! *that's all I'm gonna say*-*no names mentioned*! lol! But most of all I'd like the biggest "THANK YOU!" to go out to Daniel and Itsmyroom.com for taking the time to look at and post my webpage as one of the best. Now I know what your thinking *why is she acting like she's reciving an emeie awrad or something?* Well, the answer is simple, because knowing that people and love~ *x.x like* ~ my webpage so much that's really award enough to me, I've always wanted to build a webiste and become known across the internet world for it. But since I came to Itsmyroom, being known across the community is just as good! I never even imagened getting this far. And I know this may not seem that big of a deal to A LOT people but it means the world to me and I would like to thank again, Daniel and Itsmyroom.com thanks for helping make my dream come true.^.^ I may not be reaching the world but I'm working on it one step-at-a-time, and this has been one GIANT step for me like skipping three steps. And the reason I took the time to write all this is because I wanted to show all of you how much what you have done for me really means. Thank you, to everyone... I am currently working on an HTML site with anglefire.com, it's not even close to finished but I will let you all know when I have come close. But don't think for one minute that I'm giving up Shellymoon's Anime Network, I would NEVER! This webpage will be special to me always and I will continue updating and adding on to it. 4-ever *well maybe not for ever...;P* ![]()
![]() My Message to the WorldPlease don't hesitate to ask any questions or comment about anything! I lUV hearing from all of you everyday! Thanks for helping making SAN so popular, *I know I'm too dramatic about these little things* -* So Sue ME~!*.Bye bye BYE~! *^.^* Sign My Guestbook
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