~Stupidest Story~

Age: 12From: ,

Ok- I know what your thinking, Stupidest Story?- what the heck? I know, I know it sounds stupid *hehehe* But it's really very fun! The thing is that every week I choose an anime character from some anime show and you all try and think up a short stupid story about them! You just make it up however you want to! And if your story is the stupidest sounding story that I read you get your name on the site and a special prize! Not to mention your story cut and pasted to the site for the N-tire week!


One day Piccolo ran into a tree and broke his nose, but yamcha bit him in the BOOTIE and made him cry out like a gitty school girl on the 4th of July.

It can be longer than that, that's just an example of what you could write! So if you understand what to do, you think you have a good idea, and your ready to win and kick some BOOTIE...
try Try TRY to win Win WIN!

Last Week's Stupidest Story Was About- |Bulma|
One rainy day Bulma wanted to walk through her garden and pick some flowers, in was raining outside and in the middle of winter. When Vegeta got home he saw Bulma rolling around in the snow with her eighteen-year-old son Trunks making snow angels, and searching for some sign of any living plants. Trunks got so cold that he decided to take off his pants, this made Bulma wanted to call Marron over and tell her to come and see Trunks. Marron came over and Bulma looked through the porch door watching the two pantsless teens make snow angels and think about frily things in the snow.

~ Now that made no sence and was totally STUPID! -that's why I picked it^_~! - Reader's Notes aka RN,- Veggie-chan never got his dinner~!!^^

This Week's Stupidest Story Is About- |Goten|


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Thanks so much for visiting my "Stupidest Story" section, and just for coming to S.A.N. at all! Your feed-back and responces to my work mean soooo much to me and I really enjoy hearing all of your questions and comments!

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