Danielle's home page
This is the best home page in the world!
Remember to sign my guest book!

Age: 10From: Los Angeles, CA

Hi my name is Danielle. I like dogs and cats. I have a pet snake and 2 dogs and 2 cats and 10 baby mice. I like to roller skate with my best friend Hannah. Hannah is really funny and nice. I like candy. I like to play on Hannah's computer and like to draw and my favorite subject in school math. Sign my guest book!

Danielle's favorite links!

Hamster DanceYou can see cute hamsters dancing!
Jesus DanceClick here to see jesus dance!
Hannah's Home PageSee the the 2nd best home page (wink wink)
Alison's Home PageBest Home Page on the web!
Stephen's Home PageThis is Alison and Hannah's dad's Home page

My Message to the World

my message to the world is to always come to my home page!

Sign My Guestbook

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Send me e-mail at rdnd@primnet.com

This page created by Danielle using the Todays Planet Kid Works Creator
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