This is probably the most orginal thing you could find on a DBZ site! It also can be some times one of the funniest things you could find on a DBZ site! Please enjoy and have fun, and oh yes LAUGH! With these funny lines... That DBZ Characters Would Never Say!
GAY GOKU Gokou:"ChiChi..." ChiChi:"Yes Gokou.." Gokou:" I have to tell you something important." ChiChi:"What is it? Gokou:"I'm gay! ChiChi:"Cool!!!" (by - The Man "Anthony")
BONDING - lol Vegeta:"Bulma I'm going to bond with Trunks!" Bulma:" OK... So Trunks do you want to bond with Vegeta?" Trunks:" Hell no!! I'm not bonding with that jackass." By- ashley girl
VEGETA'S TRUE PERSONALITY *Vegeta is fighting with Frieza* Vegeta: GOKOU!! HELP ME GOKOU!!!! Gokou: What a liar! Vegeta: REALLY!! I'M NEVER GOING TO BEAT HIM!!!! Gokou: Yeah, sure, sure.... (from Manuel A. Rodriguez)
Letters & Words :::trunks is studying for his spelling test and saying his spelling words out loud while Vegeta has no idea what's going on::: Trunks: is "yup" a word? Vegeta: how is it spelled? Trunks: Y. U. P. Vegeta: Cause I drank too much soda... Trunks: ....huh? Vegeta: Because I drank too much soda! Trunks:... O..K.. :::trunks continues studying::: Trunks: how can I give a full deafenishen of "rude"? Vegeta: Spell it... Trunks: R. U. D. E. Vegeta: No I'm vegeta.... Trunks: WHAT?!? Vegeta: My name is Vegeta, *duh* not D. E.! Trunks:.... never mind... Vegeta: He doesn't even know his father's name! What an idiot... Trunks: dad form what langue does the word "icu" come from? Vegeta: spell it... Trunks: I. C. U. Vetega: I see you too son! Trunks:........ UUUARRRGGG..... Vegeta: Gosh, what does he think I am blind? Trunks: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!?!! Vegeta: nutt'in Trunks: is "yrusostupid" a word? Vegeta:... umm... spell it... Trunks: Y. R. U. SO. STUPID. Vegeta:.. well! I never! by me
GrOuP jUnK ___________ The Z warriors after defeating all the evil bad people, got very bored.. and decied that Humor was better than kicking @ss. (Although GT proved that hypothesis wrong) They all decied to start they're own groups!
Trunks, Goten, Goku and Vegeta went to form a group, they wrote many songs formed a back round, did a few gigs in Japan, and went on a 7 month tour all across the U.S., songs like "Vegetable Tied", "Open Fly Song" and "Here's to the day Cell died". Are the songs that made the group they like to call "Veggie 6" famous.
Piccolo, Yamcha and Tien also formed a group, And let out the number one hit single in the U.S. for 7 months straight, "I'll be your Green Thing" topped the charts, and is currently the most requested song through out "zrl" and all thought out the radio. They call them selves "WeridsTown."
17 went on to a solo singing career, calling him self "little Android, Zero Track Jerk" coming out with the humorus, yet one of the most requested videos on "zrl" "Mr. Roshi don't live here no more" his career, sadly ended two years ago, after a freak pickle jar attack by an angry, android hater.
Launch also went on into the wide world of pop singers, changeing her name to " Kritney Chears " and came out with hit singles such as.... " Thrash me honey, one more time" " Ooopps, I did sneezed again" and " Lazy".
When Maron (Blue) saw how popular and famous all her old friends had become it made her long for the spot-light as well, and she set out on a musical quest, but she needed a catchy name so in order to acomplish that task she needed a wonderful, guienus, super hot, way cool idea that would leave old perverted men like master roshi hanging in their seats. And so she got the other Marron (Blonde) to help her and they formed a group and called it "Crud". They put their dumd-dumd blonde and blue heads together and made up a few hit songs that made them #1 on "zrl's" charts for a week or two, a few of their songs were given the names "Lower", "My Own Krillin", "With Hair So Colorful", and "Their Sacrifince."
Now when their let-behind-wifes-and-husbands got jelious they didn't take it sitting down! Krillin, ChiChi, and Bulma set out on their own pop music career of fame and glory. But felt they needed a forth member so they offered that 18 might help. They were set! All the needed was a cool, new, fresh name like... "The Cool-Beans" aND THEY WERE set! They made up songs like "Right-side-up", "CaCa-Weenie", and "Three miles, fouty-two-feet, and twelve inches around the globe". But got sick of each other and went their seprate ways after they got into a huge argument about whether or not "Fred Jones" from Scooby-Doo was secretly evil or not.
in all they all went on the become great singer, and proved them selfs, to be great pop, alternet rock, and WhAtEvEr music peeps of the world! by me
Too Much TV *trunks walks into his bedroom only to find his father doing some thing very strange* ::::walks in room:::: Vegeta: I want da truth! You can't handle the truth! What in heck are you doing? Vegeta:... I see dead people.... Trunks.. uhuu.. *walks into hall way* Mom! :::walks into living room::: Bulma: yes trunks? Trunks: Dad is being....strange again.. Bulma: Oh dear, what is he doing this time? Trunks: well.. why don't you go look for your self, last time I checked he was claiming to see dead people. ::::Bulma walks down hall:::: ::::opens trunks's bedroom door::: Bulma: Vegeta? Vegeta: The dalai lama... Bulma: what dear? Vegeta: There's no place like home! Bulma:.... vegeta, your scaring me... Vegeta: I'll be back! Trunks: I told you. Vegeta: We can fly we can fly we can fly! :::::::bulma & trunks leave room::::: Trunks: well we should try and look on the bright side! Bulma: What bright side? Your father has lost his mind! Trunks: True, but at least whenever we want to see a movie, we won't have to go to block buster! We've got veggie-vision! Bulma:............ I'm surrounded.... I'm surrounded by idiots! Bra: Welcome to my world... by me
;POP LINES; Vegeta: If I through a party would ya be there? Would you bring your friend sue? Trunks: Baby I'm so into you! Bra: It's hip to be square! 18: I wanna dance with somebody! with somebody who loves me! 17:.... it wasn't me..... Pan: I'm not too young and I'm not too old! Gohan: This is the story about a girl named lucky.... Early morning, she wakes up! Goku: That's what she said! She told me we'd see forever.... 16: So you wanna be the master of Pokemon? Dr. Gero: Don't Bring me DOWN! Bulma: Spin around we get further and further away! Marron: I'm a little tea cup.... Krillin: *jiggly puff* Just cause I'm small' can't hurt you at all... Goten: It's been one week since you looked at me! Maron: CRAWLING IN MY SKIN!!!! Tien: Aaron Oh Arron, what are we going to do wit chu?! Piccolo: I got a crush on you! Dende: Catch me if you can!!! Lunch: got introduced to you by a friend, you were cute and all that. baby you set the trend y-e-s you did. Puar: Please don't tell me every thing is wonderful tonight! Master Roshi: I'm too sexy for my car! Freeza: Here's to the nights we felt alive! Cell: Here's to the tears you knew you cry! Boo: Here's to goodbye, tomorrows' gonna come too soon... too soon... Raditz: IT'S MY LIFE!!!! AND IT'S NOW OR NEVER! by me
;These Girls Are CRAZY; ::::Trunks, 18, videl, bra, pan, marron, maron, bulma and chichi are all talking at a party, with a bunch of other people like Goku & Vegeta ect. ect.:::::: Goten: Hey ladys! What's up? Bra: What kinda pick up line is that?! Lunch: What did he say? Bulma: Oh my god I can't believe he just came up to me! Maron: Dang guys are so lame! Marron: Why's he starring at us? 18: Oooo what is he waring? Chichi: Do you guys smell that? Goten: OKay so can I call you? :::Trunks talking to goten on the phone::: Trunks: Some girls are crazy! Just listen to what I have to say about it, You gotta watch it for the beautiful ones. They'll twist your head right off your neck, and laugh about it with their frineds! Cause that's just one night for them! They'll target you with their eyes and move with their lips. And it pulls you in, she shuts you down with her voice again! And now, are you listening? This song goes out to girls, that we havn't met just yet... This song! For stupid girls, who think that every boy is all about them, ABOUT THEM! THESE GIRLS ARE CRAZY!!!
Ding-Dong *ding-dong* vegeta: Kakarot! WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Goku: ummm me and ubu want some sugar. We're going to make cookies for Chichi.... Well do you have a cup? Vegeta: Ugrgh... here's the whole bag, now you and your little friend GO! Goku: Uhhh... Vegeta do you have... *SLAM!* (by Lane Mehringer)
Milly Vanilly Veggie vegeta:*singing* the game of love is to live it up! and baby not too high, if you wanna get down wit Mr. V you gotta go and through Goku in da sky! you gotta punch him up! and kick him down! DAT'S RIGHT!!! FEEL GOOD!!! by me
CRIED A RIVER 17:*singing* This is the story of an android who beat up a Gohan-san and destroyed the whole world! and while he looks so care-free and happy while he's destorying humans I absutly Love ME!!!! I like me!!!! I really like me!!! by me
SUPER SAIYAN MAN Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo: *singing* SUPER! SUPER! SAIYAN! I WANT TO BE, A SUPER SAIYAN! SUPER SUPER SAIYAN! WE WANTS TO BE SUPER SAIYANS! :::gohan and videl walk in the room:::: Gohan: errrr...... Bulma!!! ::bulma walks in the room:: Bulma: Piccolo! How manys times have I told you not to hit those high notes in the living room! ::::Gohan and Videl walk out of the house, both still wondering what went on::: bye me
GOOFY VEGGIE Vegeta: *Singing* I feel Pretty!!!!! :::trunks walks in:::: Trunks: Dad? Vegeta:... Don't ask! Just dance! And sing! and knock on wood! Trunks: Wha???? Vegeta:*Singing* I don't wanna lose, the good things! that mean a lot! oooooooo!!!whhoooo!!! You better knock on WOOOOOD!!!! :::trunks walks into bulma's den:::: Bulma: Yes Trunks? Trunks: Mom I think dad has been watching too much TV agian. by me
GAY SENCHI Goku: Sailor Moon Rocks!!!!!!! Vegeta: No Sailor Neptune ROCKS!!!!! Goku: Neptune? isn't she... uhh.... Vegeta: Yes she is.... by me
Gokou: Hey Krillin! I like your hair! (from Diego Pizana)
FLY BOY yamcha: Hey Trunks your fly's Open! trunks: Ya right! yamcha: No really man! You fly's open! trunks: nice try yamcha! yamcha: Look dude I'm just try'in to warn you! cause here comes yar old man! trunks: Wha???? (trunks's pants fall down) vegeta: nice Boxers Trunks! yamcha: Boxers? I thought Trunks was a Briefs kinda guy! by me
Pig boy Gokou vegeta: I'm gonna through Da Gokou off Da hill! I'm gonna through Da Gokou off Da hill! I'm gonna through Da gokou off, I'm gonna through Da gokou off. Yes I'm gonna through Da Gokou off Da hill! OOOOOOoooooooppppppsssssss! did I say Gokou? I ment Kakarot! hehehehehehe Trunks: You did not you old fart! vegeta: Shut up Brat! by me
Vegeta: Hey kakarot look at me I've gone.................. BRITTANY SPEARS! Oops!!! I did it again!!!! I powered up too much! and Now I'm to bulky To move! Gokou: That's nuth'in! I've gone........................Ricky Martin! Up side! Inside out! I'm totally crazy for this fusion thing! It'll where me out if I do it too many times! It'll make me pull my hair out and go dance'in in the rain! It'll make me totally crazy and theeeeeennnnn INSANE! Vegeta:........uuuummmmmmm...... Right....... by me
The Yamcha Sing O Long Song! Yamcha: Dolphins in the moonlight swimming with the Zora, oouuutt of sight. Oooouuuttt of mind. Sea crabs in the water where we are swimming, uunnndderr sea, uuunndderr sand. Into the sunset is where we are going, Ooouutt of sight. Ooouuutt of Mind. Anndd it''ll be GOOD BYE TO ME !!!!YAMCHA!!!! by me
Gokou Corn Vegeta: Kakarot ate corn and I don't care, Kakarot ate corn and I don't care, KAKAROT ATE CORN AND I...DON'T.....CARE!!!!!!!!!!!! by me
Vegeta: "Gokou" your my hero! Please teach my to be strong like you! Gokou: Oh Shut up Vegeta! You could never be as strong as I! Your nothing but a weakling! Vegeta: You're right, What was I thinking?! I could never be as cool or mighty as you! Bulma! WAAAAAA! by me
Gero's Lab Cell: In Dr. Gero's Labratory, Lives the Evilest old man you've ever seen! But #17 blows his experiments to smitherines! Where there is androids and stuff.... And things Go B00M! In Dr. Gero's Laaaaaaab!!!!!! by me
Vegeta Flower Vegeta: Does this dress make me look fat? I think this "pink" dress brings out my eyes! Don't you? by me
CHICKEN?!?! 16: mmmmmm..... Tastes likes chicken! I love to "EAT" chicken! by me
#17 VS Shaggy! #17: I'm glad we killed those mediling kids (and that stupid dog) And took this truck! It's sooo cool! #16: Why does #18 get the window seet! and I'm stuck here in the back with no windows! #18: Stop complaining #16! You get all that room back there! And I'm stuck sitting next to Mr. I want to find gokou on my own! #17: I know where we're going! #18: You just keep telling your self that! #16: All there is back here is some cookies! #17: Cookies! those are scooby snacks! Save me some! by me
Dr. Vegeta trunks: Hey dad! I need to talk to you! vegeta: Zip it! trunks:But dad! vegeta: Zip it! trunks: But vegeta: Zip it Good! by me
The 6th Dragon Ball bulma: Hey krillin! Goku lost the 6th Dragon Ball so we need to use you head is that all right with you? Krillin: Ahhhhhhh! (runs away) by me
Vegeta's Dream vegeta:I want to be one of those santa clauses with the (help the poor signs) and ring the little bell! by me
Row Row Row Your Dragon Ball everyone: Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down The Stream, Throw Freeza Over Board And Listen To Him Scream! Freaza: Ahhhh! by me
Bop It! 17: Hit me! Hit me good! Don't Hit me! Don't hit me good! cause I hit me! I hit me good! by me
Noisy Night Sielent night, holy night DBZ villans getting knocked out of site! Punches coming from here and there, Vegeta is playing with his hair! Cell is over there! Every one is awake! by me
memorys gohan and piccolo have been sitting at the table for six hours looking at each other. Gohan: You know piccolo you remind me of a pickle I once ate! by me
Blue Is Better yamcha: I love base ball! I hate fighting! And I want to paint myself blue so I can look like my true people! The Smurfs! (The Following May Not Make Much Sence To You) Yum! Bulma: That's it yamcha! I'm not listening to you any more! yamcha: well I'm going to be deaf every time you talk to me! Bulma: I thought I herd a yum! Yamcha: I can't here you! bulma: Then how did you know that I said some thing? Yamcha: even the deaf have there ways! by me
$@Ge! AHHHHHH! Everyone: Kill Sage! AHHHHH! (sad to say) by me...
I'll have more soon! I hope you enjoyed this part of the site! if you have any questions or comments or any thing to say about (Things Dragon Ball Z Charaters Would Never Say) please contact me. Or just sign in my guest book at the bottom of the page. If you have any lines that you made up that a DBZ charater would never say, please e-mail them to me I'll put them on my site!